
What inspired me to make this blog

I got an email from a friend on facebook asking if I was interested in answering some questions about narcolepsy. I was and sure enough I got a letter from a guy named Ted Bendixson writing a book about narcolepsy.

It took me about a whole week to get through this and at the end I have to say that I am impressed with what I wrote. And, I hope it can help others too. Ted Bendixson said that my case differed from most in that it is still unresolved.

That is why I thought I might offer this candid blog about what it is like to have narcolepsy without a proper diagnosis and a rare look into this 'hidden' disability. I have included links to Ted's initial questions, my answers and to this ongoing blog.

I have been inspired by Ted's questionnaire to sort out my whole host of symptoms and give myself a clear view of what it is that I am facing. And, I hope to offer his questionnaire to others who may use it to define their symptoms like I did. I have found it most helpful to answer these 9 questions posed by Ted for his book. And, maybe you will too.